Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to all your questions regarding bookings, walking hours, house sitting, home boarding, cancellations and Oscars Canine Academy policies.

What are your credentials?

  • Canine Behaviour and Training Technician, OCN Level 4, Anied
  • Certificate in Canine First Aid, AniEd
  • Full Public Liability Insurance

How do I book?

  • If your dog is new to Oscars Canine Academy please contact us to discuss your options or schedule a meet and greet.
  • If your dog has already been with Oscars Canine Academy you can book by phone, email or online.

How do I pay for walks?

  • We accept Cash, PayPal, Revolut or Bank Transfer.

When will you walk my dog?

  • Walks begin Monday to Saturday between 8am and 3pm (October – March) and between 8am and 5pm (April-September).
  • We will always try to accommodate your requested schedule.  
  • Your dog’s walk will take place within a one hour window, so if the walk is scheduled for 11am your dog will be collected between 10.30 and 11.30.
  • This window allows for traffic delays.
  • We will always text you on collection (unless you ask us not to).

Do you walk on weekends and public holidays?

  • Yes, Saturday walks take place during standard hours (see above).
  • Public holiday and Sunday walks are charged at €30 for a single dog or €50 for two dogs from the same household.

Do you have to meet my dog first?

  • Yes, we meet all of our clients and their dogs before we schedule any of our services.
  • This allows you and your dog to get to know us.
  • We discuss their needs and yours, and address any queries you may have.
  • The meet and greet is free and generally lasts 30 minutes.
  • We also use this time to discuss security procedures and access to your dog.
  • Call, email or contact us to schedule a meet and greet.

Do you accept all breeds of dog?

  • Yes, we accept all breeds, shapes, sizes and ages of dog.
  • If your dog is a restricted breed they need to wear a muzzle and remain on lead in public by law.
  • Please discuss your needs with us, we are happy to provide advice or muzzle training for your dog.

Do you offer group walks?

  • No, we don’t walk or transport groups of dogs together.
  • Our service is for private solo walks or for multiple dogs from the same household. We believe this offers your dog the best experience and the highest standard of care.
  • If your dog has a buddy in another household we can walk them together provided they are familiar with each other and deemed compatible.
  • Please contact us to discuss this option.

Where will you walk my dog?

  • We tailor our walks to the individual needs of your dog. Older dogs may prefer a quiet stroll through the neighbourhood, energetic adolescents may enjoy active training games in the park and puppies may need a quieter location to build their confidence and develop their training.
  • All of our walks exclude travel time.
  • We will always advise you on the location of your dog’s walk.

Will my dog be off lead?

  • Your dog will only be walked off lead where it is safe and legal to do so and with your permission.
  • All Oscars Canine Academy pupils will receive recall training before being allowed off lead and during their regular walks.

What about collars, leads and harnesses?

  • We will walk your dog with your preferred lead/collar/muzzle or harness provided the equipment is in good condition, welfare friendly and is fit for its purpose. If the equipment provided doesn’t meet these criteria we are happy to recommend alternatives.

What if the weather is too bad to walk?

  • We walk in all weathers (that’s why you hired us right?) unless it is not safe to do so i.e. Met Eireann extreme weather warning.
  • In very hot weather we will walk dogs early in the morning or later in the afternoon to avoid the midday sun.
  • We provide indoor games, scent work and training for your dog as an alternative to walking (for no extra fee) in severe weather.

What if my dog gets wet?

  • Your dog will get a full towel dry when we return from the walk and before they settle down in their comfy residence.
  • If your dog likes to wear a coat when walking we are happy to use it.

What if my dog is sick?

  • The safety and wellbeing of your dog and that of our other Academics is our priority. Please let us know if your dog has been/is unwell.
  • If your dog is unable to walk due to illness or surgery check out our comfort break option.

What if I need to change or cancel my walk or training session?

  • If you need to reschedule your walk or training session please call or email us to advise as soon as possible, we will work with you to accommodate your new needs.
  • If you need to cancel please contact us 24hours in advance or the walk or training session will be charged in full (without exception).
  • If your dog is unwell we are happy to call in and spend quality time with them, play crate games for the cost of your regular walk, check out our comfort service.

OCA – Cancellations and Changes?

  • In the unlikely event that we cannot walk or train your dog for reasons beyond our control, we will provide you with 24 hours notice where possible and reschedule or credit the cost of the walk.
  • Holidays will be notified 4 weeks in advance.

How Does Personal Training Work?

  • We meet with you and discuss your dog’s lifestyle, your needs and realistic goals for training.
  • We design a training, exercise and enrichment programme especially for your dog.
  • We train your dog at home or outdoors depending on the requirements of the session.
  • We provide you with a transfer session so that you can maintain your dog’s progress. You will be provided with simple exercises to practice together.
  • Contact us to find out if personal training is the right option for you and your dog.

How does One to One Training Work?

  • We meet with you and discuss your needs and those of your dog and discuss realistic training goals.
  • We design a one to one training programme based on your training goals, your budget and availability.
  • We come to your home or meet in the outdoors depending on the requirements of the session.
  • We guide you through training each exercise.
  • We provide you with full, comprehensive notes from each session.
  • We design practice exercises so that you can make progress between sessions.
  • Contact us to find out if One to One training is the right option for you and your dog.

What’s the difference between Personal & One to One Training?

  • You participate in One to One Training sessions with your dog.
  • You don’t attend Personal Training Sessions – just the transfer session.

Does my dog need to be vaccinated, micro-chipped, insured and licensed?

  • No your dog does not have to be insured to walk with us; we have full public liability insurance. We do however recommend that every owner insure their dog.
  • Your dog must have up to date vaccinations (including kennel cough), flea and worming treatments.
  • We ask to see a vaccination card at your meet and greet.
  • Dog licenses and microchips are required under Irish law.
  • Check out our puppy pre-school or comfort break for pre-vaccination options.

OK I’m interested, what’s next?

  • Please call or email us or fill in the contact form.